The table below shows the available {API Host}.
TEST Environment
PROD (live) Environment
Please refer to the following structure of the endpoint for your reference.
You should replace the placeholder {API Host} with the desired environment you want to use.
General endpoint
https://{API Host}/api/v1/payments
General endpoint
Check Status
https://{API Host}/api/v1/payments/:transactionId/status
Cards endpoint
Card Purchase
https://{API Host}/api/v1/payments/:transactionId/card/purchase
Cards endpoint
Card Token
https://{API Host}/api/v1/payments/:transactionId/token/purchase
Cards endpoint
Card Recurring
https://{API Host}/api/v1/payments/:transactionId/recurring
Cards endpoint
Card Capture
https://{API Host}/api/v1/payments/:transactionID/capture
BLIK endpoint
BLIK Capture
https://{API Host}/api/v1/payments/:transactionId/blik/purchase
PayByLink endpoint
Get Payment Channel
https://{API Host}/api/v2/paymentChannels
PayByLink endpoint
Get Payment Link
https://{API Host}/v2/payments/:transactionId/pbl/payment-link